Step 1: Glee Club Audition

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Auditioning for the Glee Club is a two round process. The first round is in a one-on-one setting where you will sing a few scales and be tested on your range and pitch memory. Additionally, you will do some simple sight singing and rhythm reading. At the end, you might sing a short selection from America the Beautiful. For the second round, you are first invited to a Glee Club rehearsal where you will sing with the Glee Club and learn a piece. A day or two later, you will sing this piece for your callback audition in a quartet with current members. That is the final audition, and you will hear back in a few days!

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On the fence about auditioning? Check out! Questions? Email!

Step 2: Hangovers Auditions


Congrats! You got in to Glee Club! Now you can audition for the Hangovers. Our auditions are also a two round process, and the first round comes very shortly after your first Glee Club rehearsal. For the first round, we ask you to prepare a solo; it can be any style of your choosing but we recommend to stay away from musical theater. We also will ask you to learn a selected piece from our repertoire, which can be found at the link above. Aside from that, we need to find your range and do similar exercises to your first round Glee Club audition, because, well, we weren't there. When you sign up for your time slot, we'll also give you a section from one of our arrangements which you will sing in a quartet! With us! The second round is a bit different and is really quite fun. You'll find out more when you make it to this stage!